Wednesday, May 9, 2018

FUNAAB Student Union Set To Repair Camp-funaab Road

It was to the amazement and relief of commuters and other road users to see that the Camp-FUNAAB road was being marked out for repairs today.
The exercise which was described as beaming a “ray of hope” by a student, witnessed some officials of the SUG and engineering students kitted up measuring and marking out sections of the road for repairs.
Motorists and students were seen hailing and thanking the officials working on the road.
On contacting the project manager, Hon. Philip Ukah, the honourable member representing Mechatronics Engineering Department, FUNAAB vanguard gathered that the SUG was working on getting supplies of materials from quarries and other industries to carry out rehabilitation on the road.
He said that having notified the school and contacted the Civil Engineering Department, more professional hands and equipments will be released for the project soon.
FUNAABites can look forward to better days of a good and working transportation system because this is what the Team Rebirth will deliver” he said.
It should be recalled that a lady was reported to have been engaged in a ghastly motor accident which claimed her life some weeks ago due to the ugly condition of the road.
The transport system in the school has been deteriorating daily in recent times and is said by many to be the most challenging issue facing the campus community.
The sight of the FUNAABSU General Secretary Comr Awolowo along with the founding director of The Hon Philip Ukah Foundation, Hon Philip Ukah was noted to be intriguing for many who witnessed the exercise which took place between 3pm to about 5pm.


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